" Portrait of the Yellow Rose" 4th Video Workshop (PDF) Buy Now With the one time membership fee of $35.00 you will receive a password which you can start using immediately. You may use it as often as you like. "Portrait of the Yellow Rose E-Book" is $35.00. Video costs $180. 00, so if you'll buy the E-Book and later on you decide to buy a video, your cost will drop to $145. 00. Many users of the previous E-Books, find this opportunity fair and convenient. E-Book "Portrait of the Yellow Rose" includes the following chapters:
TRANSFER ENTERING INFORMATION TO ANOTHER PERSON OR GROUP OF PEOPLE IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. More single flowers paintings by Alexei Antonov More Bunch of flowers paintings by Alexei Antonov
So much for art. How about the artist? I was born in Russia in 1957, and I've been trying both hands (I'm ambidextrous) at art ever since. I can remember my self from the age of two, and when I was three, I was the terror of my mother's make-up kit, as I loved to draw murals on the wallpaper with her lipstick. All through my childhood I continued drawing, (more...) |
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