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Study and Teach Fine Art Techniques. Post your own finished art or work in progress (WIP) for critique. For the purpose of criticism (your image could be digitally edited)
This board has been created specifically for those artists who would like to learn oil painting techniques that were used by the Old Masters
This board is dedicated to artists who are interested in producing drawings as finished artwork rather than using it as a preparatory medium. Please feel free to post your work here and to offer helpful critiques for others.
The animal and wildlife board concentrates on graphite drawings of all animals, from domestic pets to
This category name speaks for itself… all color works not included in a classical painting style, or black and white art are supposed to be posted here. Later on we will extend this section… Right now you are welcome to show your Acrylics, Oil pastels,
This forum is for fantasy/science fiction artwork. It includes work in the area of fantasy, science fiction, comics, cartoon, horror, and the related field in all media. There are sub-forums for classes, projects, and tutorials and posting of
Put your own article about basics of art disciplines
Finished Art Work is sorted by major subjects. Create topic with your name and post your best images. Let’s do no more than 10 images, but feel free to update them every once in a (no WIPs)
This is a board for posting children’s artwork.... your kids, a friend’s kids... whomever you would like... a place to brag and share the glorious, uninhibited art by children! We want them to be able to see their work posted in threads & in our mini-gallery and then heap the praise upon them to encourage them in
Show your digital art WIP. Talk about computers, software, scanners, digital cameras. Post your favorite Photoshop trick...
Composition, Lighting, Inspirational Shots. Resource. Photo Critiques... Let’s make it ArtPapa’s photo resource center. Feel free to make this place your online photo portfolio and share your ideas with other members. The major goal here is to get inspired and give inspiration to
Practice makes us perfect, increase your skills