| Claret Grapes
About 3d Classical Oil Paintings Video Workshop
Now $110.00
Goods and services provided by ArtPapa.com (WA, ). Sold by 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA).
This video course gives you an opportunity to understand
and practice the Old Masters' painting technique.
In this workshop Alexei Antonov will show and explain how to paint one
of the most complicated textures in still life painting, Claret Grapes. He will
lead you through the actual painting of Claret Grapes from start to finish, giving
the detailed explanation of all the stages of the Flemish painting style,
beginning with drawing, imprimatura, and the umbra layer. Special attention
will be given to color layers where the texture is born.
Detailed step by step instructions will help you create a piece of art
so realistic that people will be drawn to smell and touch it.
Here are some screen shots of the Claret Grapes
video Workshop.
The course consists of the following sections:
Umbra Underlayer,
Dead Underlayer,
Color Layers,
Finishing Layer.
Running Time: 60 Minutes
Produced by Alexei Antonov
Translation and narration by Vladimir Pavlov
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