Artist Nikolay Samoukov

Artist Nikolay Samoukov is the director of Ben's Classic Art Studio. Born and educated in Russia, he has resided in the United States since 1989. His paintings are exhibited in galleries in California, Utah and Washington. Education: 1983-1988 MFA High Art Mukhina Institute, Leningrad/St.Petersburg/, Russia 1979-1983 Art studio of Vasily Suvorov, Leningrad/St.Petersburg, Russia 1973-1977 BFA Ivanovo Art College, Ivanovo, Russia 1971-1973 Art school, Manturovo, Russia


Goals and objectives of the studio:

* To cultivate in the students a sense of beauty.
* To teach them to see the harmony of the world.
* To teach necessary artistic skills to enable them to reflect beauty and harmony.
* To enrich and widen the talent of each one.
* To develop the sense of a composition, proportion and interaction of color and light, spot and line, accent and pause, rythm and plastics....
On a soul level, I see that each child is a little bit of an adult and each adult is a little bit of a child. The understanding of this, gives me big opportunities in my work and this work has just began. Each beginner and professional visiting this site can find some useful and interesting information

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